Before Surgery

Prior to your procedure, a nurse from the Elevation Surgery Center will contact you to review your health history, any medications you are currently taking, and your pre-operative instructions. If blood tests, EKG or x-rays are requested, your surgeon will advise you on where to complete these.

We strongly recommend that you complete all pre-operative documentation before the day of surgery to ensure you are well prepared.

You should refrain from eating and/or drinking prior to surgery in order to prevent the risks of inhaling gastric contents during your surgery. This complication is very serious, and you need to strictly abide by these recommendations.

We have very clear policies as to specific times before surgery when you must refrain from eating and/or drinking. These policies are all based on safety standards, so you must strictly abide by these recommendations.

Day of Surgery

On the morning of surgery, the pre-op nurse will prepare you and let you know what to expect both before and after your surgery. Our goal is to ease any concerns and answer questions regarding your stay. We will also ensure that you have arranged for a friend or family member to drive you home and assist you during your first 24 hours post-op.

We generally request that you take your medication before leaving home. Instructions regarding diabetic medications will be individualized and we will hold diabetic medications and manage your sugar at our Center. Please bring all medications with you in the original labeled bottles provided by your pharmacy. Those who use inhalers must bring them to the Center on the day of surgery.

What should I bring with me?

  • Case for eyeglasses or contacts
  • Insurance cards, driver’s license, completed billing forms, co-payments
  • Comfortable, loose-fitting clothes (leave all jewelry at home)
  • If you are traveling further than 30 minutes, having pillows in your car for elevation support may be helpful

After Surgery

The recovery room is a calm environment where you will awake from anesthesia and be provided pain control and other therapies to ensure you are comfortable. Your surgeon and their team will provide post-operative instructions regarding your diet, need for rest, exercise ability, and medications.

You will be discharged in a wheelchair to your vehicle, where you will be taken home by a friend or family member. We will call you the day after your surgery to answer any questions and ensure you are recovering well.